Pirarucú Season 2023 | Fishing report week 07 October 15 to 22

Water Conditions: Water Level very low and still dropping.

Weather Conditions: All beautiful weather with some cloud days.


Fishing conditions:

In the Week 7 of this season, the water level has reached the lowest point in the last 120 years,  but the fish are still healthy and hungry around here.

Highlights this week:

We caught four fish over 2 metres this week, guys! That’s Pirarucú! One monster fish landed by our good friend Peet was the biggest of the week with 215 cm.We also made 2 jungle slams this week with Arapaima, Aruana, and tambaqui landed on the same day.


Fishing stats:

Anglers: 6
Total number of fish landed in the week – 26
Biggest fish landed in the week - 215 cm

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